TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Electrical issue, drain, post major upgrade.
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Subject Electrical issue, drain, post major upgrade.
Posted by Z ONLY1 on June 29, 2016 at 2:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 240 times.
Message I am having a battery drain issue. Battery relocated to hatch, is Optima Blue. Haltech installed. So ran well while at Branson, drove home to Kansas City area. Night before alignment, very low battery??? Charged, drove next day, later, next day dead enough not to start.? 7.2 volts.

I have been told to make sure not a bad cell in new battery, will do...also researched, after market alarms, stereos, amps...mine all 3 to 8 years old, never had a problem.

Horn has stopped working?, worked before, replaced with Hella's few years ago.
Checked horn fuse, not burnt, however the relay located on the relay box...holder for just the horn relay loose, but relay connected....

Question, is there a way to check the horn relay if good, multimeter?

Also since BDE top feed, no cruise control, which happens to be fused to the horn (?)...would not having the cruise cause an issue?
Not a guru at electrical tracing issues, any thoughts/help appreciated.

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